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Family: Vespertilionidae

Scientific name: Vespertilio sinensis

Common name: Asian parti-colored bat

IUCN status: Least Concern (LC)

MSJ Red list status: R


General morphology: Color variation among individuals is remarkable. Dorsal hairs are reddish-brown or blackish brown with whitish tips; ears are thick; tragus is short; wings are rather narrow (Yoshiyuki, 1989).


Diet: Mainly feeds on Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera (Fukui & Agetsuma, 2010).


Habitat: Roosts in tree cavities (Mukohyama, 1996), buildings (Mukohyama, 1987), slits under elevated bridges (Kasahi et al., 2013), caves (Sawada,1994), tunnels and rock crevices (Wallin, 1962).


Echolocation calls: Long duration; QCF call structure; FMaxE=24.2 kHz (Hokkaido) (Fukui et al., 2004), FMaxE=24.5 kHz (Fukuoka Prefecture) (Funakoshi, 2010)




Wallin, L. (1962). Notes on Vespertilio namiyei (Chiroptera). Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala, 35, 397–416


Mukohyama, M. (1987). Biology of bats in Aomori-ken 1. Conformation of breeding. Journal of Aomori-ken Biological Society, 23, 31-34.


Yoshiyuki, M. (1989). A systematic study of the Japanese Chiroptera. 242pp. National Science Museum: Tokyo.


Sawada, I. (1994). A list of caves of bat habitation in Japan. Journal of the Natural History of Japan, 2, 53-80.


Mukohyama, M. (1996). Notes on breeding colonies of Vespertilio superans Thomas, 1899, in Aomori prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Natural History of Aomori, 1, 9-12.


Fukui, D., Agetsuma, N., & Hill, D. A. (2004). Acoustic identification of eight species of bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) inhabiting forests of southern Hokkaido, Japan: potential for conservation monitoring. Zoological Science, 21(9), 947-955.


Fukui, D., & Agetsuma, N. (2010). Seasonal change in the diet composition of the Asian parti-coloured bat Vespertilio sinensis. Mammal Study, 35(4), 227-233.


Funakoshi, K. (2010). Acoustic identification of thirteen insectivorous bat species from the Kyushu District, Japan. Mammalian Science, 50(2), 165-175.


Kasahi, T., Osawa, Y.,Osawa, K., Mineshita, K., Shimizu, T., & Mukohyama, M. (2013). A newly discovered maternity colony and the winter population of the Asian Parti-colored bat Vespertilio sinensis in the elevated railways of the Joetsu-Shinkansen Gunma Prefecture. Bulletin Gunma Museum Natural History, 17, 131-146.


The Island Bat Research Group (IBRG) is an international multi-disciplinary unit. It has been involved for several years in the research and conservation of endangered insular bats in Japan and other island countries.


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© 2018 by Christian E. Vincenot.

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Picture featured on this website were shot by members of the group, but also by close friends and collaborators. Therefore, reuse of these pictures is subject to prior approval by the IBRG to insure proper credit can be given to authors.

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