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Team Coordinators
Christian Vincenot, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Kyoto University
Fruit Bat Ecology & Conservation, Ecological Modelling
Anja Collazo, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Kyoto University
Cultural Sociology, Animal Communication
Senior Members
Sophie "Topa" Petit, Ph.D.​
Associate Professor, University of South Australia
Bat-flower interaction, Conservation Biology, Animal Ethics
David Hill, Ph.D.​
Adjunct Professor, Kyoto University
Insectivorous Bat Ecology, Bat Echolocation and Social Calls
Junior Members
Heungjin Ryu, Ph.D.
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Kyoto University (from 11/2022)
Citizen Science and Bats
Jason Hideki Preble
PhD Candidate, Kyoto University
Conservation ecology of Okinawa's endangered plant-roosting bats, Murina ryukyuana and Myotis yanbarensis
Azmina Kamal​
PhD student, Kyoto University
Ecological Roles of Bats in Japanese Agricultural and Suburban Landscapes
Nur Izzati Abdullah
PhD student, Kyoto University
Ecosystem Services Provided by Bats in Rice Fields in Peninsular Malaysia
Scott Jenkins
PhD student, Kyoto University
Fay Taylor
MEXT Scholar, Kyoto University
Aya Klos
Bachelor Student, Carleton College, USA
Seed dispersal in Pteropus bats
Arthur Zucker​
Master student, Sorbonne University (Paris, France)
Acoustic data processing, AI, software design
Past Members
Weerach "Kura" Charerntantanakul
Master student, Kyoto University
(from Shibata Lab.)
Bat-Agriculture Conflicts
Clément Apavou
Master student, Sorbonne University (Paris, France)
Acoustic data processing, AI, software design
Yuto Taki​
Former Master student, Kyoto University
(from Inoue-Murayama Laboratory)
Flying Fox Population Genetics
Kentaro Kawagita
Former Bachelor student, Kyoto University
Bat-mediated seed dispersal
Masato Hashizume
Former PhD student, Kyoto University
Flying fox acoustic communication
Field Assistants
Yammie Leung-Maemori
Fieldwork assistant (Yaeyama)
Life saver under any circumstances
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